
TBD CO has a longstanding tradition and knowledge base to help you achieve efficiency. TBD Co takes all available data and pinpoints opportunity to save. Co takes all inputs from its clients to develop a picture of current use and production and analyses data to model different patterns to achieve meaningful savings. With Data in real time provides a unique prospective and insight and allows different model outcomes. Co will evaluate options and provide insight to emerging trends and technologies. Using the constructs of the past CO helps build a better future. 



We handle all phases of the development process starting with identifying a suitable site and making initial contact with site owners to the completion of the permitting and approval process. TBD CO makes it easy for its clients and site owners to transact and develop quality projects in a timely manner. 


  • Title search 

  • Alta surveys  

  • Wetland diliniation  

  • Site prep

  • Work with state agency 

  • Notifying interested party’s 

  • Landowner relations  

  • Meeting with local and state officials 

  • Historic preservation 

  • RTE study 

  • Deer wintering habitat  

  • Site layout 

  • Electrical engineering prints 


A majority of our development projects have been located in New England with the recent expansion into California and more states throughout the US. With over XXX MW developed TBD Co has been able to site permit and develop projects for our clients at below market rate which helps facilitate our renewable energy goals.